Tabung Ekonomi Gagasan Anak Sarawak (TEGAS) was established in 2012 as a Charitable Trust dedicated to promoting TVET & STEM Education, Digital Innovation and Digital Entrepreneurship amongst Sarawakian.
What Is TEGAS?
Tabung Ekonomi Gagasan Anak Sarawak (TEGAS) was established in 2012 as a Charitable Trust dedicated to promoting TVET & STEM Education, Digital Innovation and Digital Entrepreneurship amongst Sarawakian.
TEGAS is governed by the Board of Trustees, chaired by The Honourable Datuk Haji Len Talif Salleh, Deputy Minister of Urban Planning, Land Administration and Environment. Day-to-day management is managed by Chief Executive Officer.
TEGAS Digital Village
TEGAS Digital Village (TDV) is a platform to support startup growth and promote digital innovation and entrepreneurship in Sarawak. Initiatives at TDV, among others, will include growth acceleration and scale-up programmes, R&D commercialization, market access and funding facilitation, corporate innovation and ecosystem enhancement as well as Intellectual Property (IP) support.
TEGAS Digital Innovation Hub
TEGAS Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) serves as an inclusive platform to support and empower early-stage startups and social enterprises in Sarawak. Funded by Sarawak government and managed by Tabung Ekonomi Gagasan Anak Sarawak (TEGAS), DIH offers access to affordable co-working spaces, entrepreneurship education and venture acceleration programmes as well as access to Sarawak Digital Ecosystem network.
TEGAS Community Innovative Learning
TEGAS Community Innovative Learning (TCIL) is a platform in TEGAS that focus on the promotion of STEM, Digital Innovation and TEVT field among students and youth in Sarawak. TCIL core mission is to reduce the gap in digital literacy through a high-impact community outreach programs.
Pusingan akhir TEGAS Think & Tinker (T&T) Mini Lab Battlefield 2024 di TEGAS Digital Village diteruskan!
Setiap kumpulan sedang bekerja keras untuk menyiapkan produk inovatif mereka—Robotic Arm. Pertandingan akan tamat esok pada jam 9:00 pagi, dan setiap kumpulan mesti menyiapkan...
Pameran Bulan Menabung SSPN (BMS) 2024 di Vivacity Megamall Kuching.
TEGAS, melalui TEGAS Community Innovative Learning (TCIL), mengambil bahagian dalam program yang dianjurkan oleh Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN). TCIL...
Hari kedua TEGAS Think & Tinker (T&T) Mini Lan Battlefield di TEGAS Digital Village.
Hari kedua program ini menampilkan Sylvester Samuel, Eksekutif Latihan Teknologi dari TEGAS Community Innovative Learning (TCIL), yang mengumumkan tema dan syarat untuk...
Pertandingan Akhir TEGAS Think & Tinker (T&T) Mini Lab 2024!
Peringkat akhir pertandingan T&T Mini Lab sedang berlangsung di TEGAS Digital Village! Lima pasukan yang layak dari SMK Siburan, SMK Balai Ringin, dan SMK Medamit akan diberi...
Mesyuarat antara SpaceIn dan TEGAS di TEGAS Digital Village
Kami berbesar hati menerima kedatangan Dr Norilmi Amilia Ismail, CEO SpaceIn, di TEGAS Digital Village semasa lawatan beliau ke TEGAS Digital Village. Tujuan lawatan ini adalah...
Sorotan Hari Kedua Festival Sarawak Children’s Literature 2024 di Pustaka Negeri Sarawak, Sibu
Orang ramai berpeluang untuk mencuba aktiviti praktikal berkaitan STEM dan teknologi digital seperti ‘Virtual Reality’, ‘DIY Book Maker’, ‘Robomaster’ dan ‘IQ Puzzle’. Jutaan...