First Staff Assembly at TEGAS Digital Village

First Staff Assembly at TEGAS Digital Village

TEGAS CEO Haji Udin Bujang expressed his heartfelt appreciation to all staff for their hard work, dedication, and unwavering commitment throughout 2024. Speaking at the Staff Assembly held this morning, he commended the team’s pivotal role in driving TEGAS’ mission to...
Productive benchmarking visit in Kuala Lumpur

Productive benchmarking visit in Kuala Lumpur

The TEGAS team, led by our CEO, Tuan Haji Udin bin Bujang, made insightful stops at Lyf Chinatown and Institut Sukan Negara (ISN). First up: Lyf Chinatown—a vibrant lifestyle hotel perfect for digital nomads, creatives, and the modern traveler. A great spot to inspire...